Steps of Making a Countertop

Counters are becoming popular among homes for a number of reasons. Countertops can be stained to exhibit designs and patterns of your liking. People love different counters because of their ability to be personalized and designed in almost any way.
1.Make a mold
First of all, we need to make a concrete mold (pay attention to the empty spaces of cabinet faucets, water pipes, etc). After the mold is completed, you can fill it with concrete. Fill the mold three-quarters full and place a layer of steel wire mesh on top of the wet concrete, then keep on filling the mold, and finally scrape the wet concrete with a scraper.
2. Take out the mold
After curing for 48 hours, the mold can be removed and checked out if there are cracks or damage. If it is not damaged, move it to the cabinet and place it neatly and securely.
3. Sanding the concrete
This step is very important. The concrete countertop is strong and durable, but the surface is still very rough after all, so in order to be able to use it better, we need to use a machine to polishing the surface to keep it delicate and smooth.
4. Sealing the concrete
Before penetrating the sealant, we must first soak the concrete countertop with water to keep it moist. Then start mixing the sealant and water on the mixed concrete countertop.
5. Wax the countertop surface
Once the sealant is completely cured, you can wax the countertop surface and polish the surface with a polisher. You can use a handheld polisher with a flexible polishing pad for detailed treatment of the corners.


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